Alaska INBRE/ANSEP University Success Student Biomedical Research Internship Opportunity

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this opportunity has been canceled. Please check back again next year.

Are you an ANSEP University Success student and interested in a biomedical research internship at UAF, UAA, ANTHC, or SCF?  The hourly compensation will be provided at $15.00/hr. from May 10 – August 14, 2020.

Sophomores through seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or higher and majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or a related field are welcome to apply.

Undergraduate research experiences allow students to participate in scientific practices such as research planning, observations, and analysis of data.  Undergraduate research gives students a taste of what a career in science would like, gives an edge for applying to graduate schools, medical programs, veterinary programs, and jobs.

To apply please submit the following by April 10, 2020, at 5 pm.

  • Statement of Interest. (300-word maximum)
  • UA Unofficial Transcripts.
  • Reference letter. One letter of reference must be submitted separately via email to by the deadline.