Curriculum Development

An objective of the Alaska INBRE Research Training Core is to expand curricula in biomedical and health areas across the University of Alaska system.  This development targets appropriate learning/teaching methods and materials, as well as appropriate assessment methods and materials, for modules within existing courses or for new courses.  The following five curriculum development projects were selected for funding and implementation.
Summer 2019 Curriculum Development Awardees

David Tallmon

Development of a New Course to Increase Success of Introductory Biology Students

The experimental course will occur over the first four weeks of fall semester during twice-a-week, 1 hour discussions, and all-day discussions and research experiences on Saturdays. The idea is to immediately engage new students in a comfortable, useful,and supportive learning community that will help them in their first year science courses.Biology 105 students who co-enroll in Biology 193 will learn about the scientific method, discuss and explore faculty research, learn skills to be successful students, and gain a connection to faculty, peers, and Southeast Alaska.

Carrie Kin & Naomi Everett

roving Future Patient Outcomes through Culinary Literacy and Culinary Medicine

The UAA Dietetics and Nutrition program currently offers a required culinary literacy course for undergraduate dietetics students, DN A255 Concepts of Healthy Food. DN A255 is in need of updates to reflect the nationwide trend in healthcare education to provide culinary medicine training for students across health care disciplines.4 Currently this course provides instruction on elementary food preparation techniques in a silo for dietetics students. This does not reflect the future healthcare teams they will practice in, nor does it prepare students across health majors to reinforce the important food and nutrition-related issues their patients need assistance with. Teamwork will be emphasized in this course for the purpose of providing high quality patient care and improving patient outcomes. This course will be marketed to students in other healthcare majors, as well.

Thomas Green and Jennifer Guerard

Development of Organic Chemistry Audiovisual Demonstrations to Illustrate Laboratory Techniques

The project will focus on production of high-quality audiovisual demonstrations that illustrate specific techniques and/or experimental protocols employed in our current organic chemistry laboratory. The laboratory is a 1-credit co-requisite of the 3-credit lecture (Organic Chemistry I and II, Chem F321 and F325). Approximately 80% of the students enrolled in this class are biology and biochemistry majors, many with a pre-health (pre-medical, pre-pharmacy, etc.) curriculum.

Past Curriculum Development Awards