Curriculum Development Award
Alaska INBRE is announcing a request for proposals on biomedical and health sciences curriculum development. For the purpose of this announcement, curriculum development refers to development of appropriate learning/teaching methods and materials, as well as appropriate assessment methods and materials, for modules within existing courses. Priority will be given to proposals in the following areas: (1) proposals that enhance content within the core curriculum, (2) proposals for courses that fulfill general education requirements (e.g. BIOL 100X at UAF) and that could introduce a diversity of students in the early stages of their academic career to biomedical science, and (3) proposals that utilize pedagogical approaches to support and encourage participation of underrepresented students in biomedical science. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their plans with their department chair and/or dean, especially if the proposal requires adjustments to their workload.
Funding Period: June 1 – July 31 (2 months)