There is a reestablished Alaska Society of Research Administrators (SRA) Chapter thanks to Jennifer Redmond, Alaska INBRE Fiscal Officer. Jennifer recognized the need for administrative networking, research support, and learning resources so reached out to SRAI. After completing a statement of interest the ‘potential’ Alaska Chapter went to a vote at the SRAI Section Business meeting in Orlando and then to the SRAI Board of Directors whovoted in favor of a brand new chapter.
Having an SRA Chapter in Alaska will boost collaboration across state institutions, the UA system, and between federally funded programs. Founding member Jennifer Redmond is President, Adam Chisom, BLaST Program Officer is Treasurer, and Cindy Detablan, UAA Assistant to the Director, is Secretary. If you are interested in joining the Alaska SRA Chapter visit, go to the membership tab and join today!
Check out the flyer here!