Sustaining Research Excellence Core
The Alaska INBRE Developmental Research Core will leverage its biomedical research focus on basic, leading to translational, research to improve overall health in the state focusing on “One Health” (interactions of environment, animals, people). The core will support new and existing INBRE researchers, expand the network of INBRE researchers, and move toward a translational research perspective.
To achieve this goal, Alaska INBRE will focus on the following actions:
- Soliciting pilot proposals from biomedical and health researchers, with priority funding going to junior and newly hired researchers who do not have independent funding.
- Encouraging all INBRE researchers to have mentors. While mentors will serve a more traditional role for junior researchers, they will act as consultants or collaborators for senior researchers.
- Support researchers with infrastructure. Alaska INBRE relies on outstanding resources at each institution, several of which INBRE supports via staffing, maintenance, and purchase of new equipment.
- Support researchers in their professional development by promoting networking, scientific ethics and skills training, and opportunities for presentations at Alaska INBRE events.
By supporting researchers through pilot grants, infrastructure, and professional development, we will increase their ability to compete for grants and other extramural support. The network of researchers will be expanded to broaden our range of expertise, available resources, and clinical collaborations. Building a translational research capacity in Alaska is essential to understanding underserved populations and improve health.

Brian M. Barnes
Program Director/P.I. & Sustaining Research Core Director