
Alaska INBRE Committees

Alaska INBRE has three advisory committees, each with a different perspective, responsibility, and authority.

The Management Advisory Committee (MAC) is an internal committee which provides bottom-up guidance to the PI Brian Barnes, Co-I David Driscoll, and the PC Fred Rainey.  Its purview includes multi-campus program goals, policies, activities, protocols, operations, internal awards, and student progress.   Members of the MAC are representatives from each major campus.

The Steering Committee (SC) includes chief officers at major campuses who can allocate resources and discuss the roles of INBRE within the overall university setting.  Duties of the SC include oversight and coordination of biomedical and health research across the UA system, expanding health research partnerships within and outside the university, facilitating linkages between research and instruction for Alaskans of all ages and educational levels, and indentifying and developing sustainable funding streams.

The External Advisory Committee (EAC) evaluates research priorities and initiatives for INBRE, advises on administrative matters, and evaluates programs and the network for effectiveness and sustainability.  EAC members monitor and encourage individual faculty and assist in indentifying mentors.  They also review and recommend potential investigators in the network before programmatic review by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS).