
INBRE 5 has six specific aims:

  • Specific Aim 1

    Provide Administrative Core (AC) support and coordination of the Student Research Program (SRP) and all other programs within the AK INBRE 5 network, its network-wide annual research conferences and summits, Executive, Steering, and External Advisory Committees (EC, SC and EAC), and tracking, reporting, outreach, and evaluation. The AC will facilitate the overall coordination and sharing of resources among all IDeA and other NIH and university programs in Alaska with similar goals.

  • Specific Aim 2

    Build on the capacity, expertise, and interdisciplinary research collaborations within the expanded statewide network of AK INBRE 5 through the Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP)that funds Research Projects (RPs) and Pilot Projects (PPs) as competitive awards to investigators that include support for their mentors and incentivize involvement of undergraduate students in research.

  • Specific Aim 3

    Develop the Data Science Core (DSC) within the AK INBRE 5 program to implement research, education, training, and services in tools, infrastructure, analysis, stewardship, and sustainability in data science and engineering to students and investigators.

  • Specific Aim 4

    Augment the network through a new Research Analytics Core (RAC) to provide for distributed services and research support in genomics, chemistry, biochemistry, and innovative use of stable isotope analysis in the development of biomarkers in biomedical research.

  • Specific Aim 5

    Provide resources and training for investigators, students, and community stakeholders through a new Community Based Participatory Research Core (CBPR Core) for training and aiding students and investigators in responsibilities and best practices for engaging rural and diverse communities in research.

  • Specific Aim 6

    Specific Aim 6. Renovate space through an Alteration and Renovation Project (A&R) to establish a modern suite for conducting research in chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Alaska Southeast, in Juneau, Alaska.